I was doing some thinking while washing the dishes a few days ago. I think I've realized part of the reason for not liking living out in the country...especially in the winter. I find that when I don't have the option of getting out of the house/off the farm, I start to go stir crazy and then my mind just starts to wander which can be not a good thing for me. I tend to get really melancholy and need to get out to get myself out of that mind-set. During the winter is definitely when I "catch" myself doing this the most. When living in town, I'd have the option of walking to a friend's house if the driveway and streets weren't plowed yet, but out here it's too far to walk to a friend's house in the winter with little children. So, please pray for me regarding this when you think of it.One of my releases has been photograhy. It's so nice to get creative and look for things to shoot. The 365 Project I'm participating in is a wonderful outlet for that! I get to take a photo every day and then share that with a whole community of people! I know it's been a few day since I posted last, but I think that's what I'll be doing in regards to my 365 Project so that it doesn't get so full of just that. :)We're all 5 heading to my mom's in Jamestown this weekend. Aaron has this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off so we're getting off the farm and visiting family. Jason and Robyn are going to be home from Maryland this weekend/week so we'll get to see them Sunday night and Monday! Haven't told the kids yet, so they'll get a nice surprise when J & R get to Mom's. :) Pictures will be posted after the trip, but until them, here's my last 3 days of 365 Project.Taco Pie - 1/12/10
Tonight we enjoyed Taco Pie for dinner. The meat is flavored with taco seasoning and the crust on top is Bisquick and cheese. We like to add the normal toppings for tacos and some extra shredded cheese. We even got our oldest to eat lettuce tonight!! I wish she wasn't so picky about her food, but she has gotten a lot better over the last couple years since going to school. :)Playing in the Snow - 1/13/10
Today was a beautiful day! Temps were around 30*F and the sun was shining. Hailey LOVES to play outside and usually stays out there for quite a while when she gets off the bus after school. I went out for a late-afternoon walk to get a picture of the sunset, but couldn't resist snapping this picture of Hailey playing in the snow. She told me she was building "steps" next to the tree to help her climb up into the tree during the winter!
Pretty Toes! - 1/14/10
Today has been an interesting day! It started with Jacob thinking he should wake up at 5:52am. Thankfully, he was okay with me just tucking him back in and leaving the lights off! He was up earlier that normal today after that, too, which meant an earlier naptime. After he fell asleep, I pampered Lexi by painting her toenails in hot pink! :) She was quite excited being it's been a while since we last did this.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get to enjoy the lovely winter weather we have forecasted for this next week! Look for something special in each day!
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