Monday, January 25, 2010

Heart matters

Wow!  So I was just reading up on a friend's blog(Emily) and she made a point regarding forgiveness that I had never thought of in that way.  I think for a lot of us we look at forgiving someone as telling them that everything is forgotten like we weren't really hurt (physically, emotionally, etc).  Her point was this: 'Forgiveness does not mean it's "alright". It does not mean forgetting. Forgiveness means that I have forfeited the right to revenge (and eye for an eye), and given the power of justice back to my heavenly Father, trusting that He will make everything "alright" in the end.'  She had just read the story of Joseph (Genesis 50:18-20 mostly) where he forgives his brothers.  He didn't tell them he was going to forget all about what they did to him, but that he's leaving it in God's hands now and he's not going to get his own revenge against them.  He knew God wouldn't let harm come to him, but that his past was meant to bring him where he was now to save lives!  Amazing.  Now if only we could always remember what it truly means for us to forgive so that we can do so more.  I know I can never forget about the wrong doings that have been done to me, but I can trust that God has a good plan for my life.  Jeremiah 29:11(NKJV) "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."  I just had to share these thoughts before they got lost in my mind and hope that they get you to think about forgiveness as well and to help you see thru any bad/rough times that may be happening now or in the future.

I'll give you a quick update on my 365.

Went shopping today for some needed groceries with Lexi and Jacob.  One of these times I will learn to not go with them near naptime or just not have them with all together!  While finishing our shopping, the fresh flowers caught my eye.  I just couldn't pass by them without buying a dozen roses (I did realize Valentine's Day is coming).  So...these roses are the ones my husband picked out, but didn't know it!  ;)

Crazy Lights

Aaron and I made a quick trip to Grand Forks tonight as part date night/tennis shoe shopping.  I was just here yesterday, but didn't want to risk trying to find shoes with L & J needing naps.  We had to make it a quick trip because of the winter storm that's rolling had started raining/sleeting before we left home and we prayed the temperature would stay above freezing!  While Aaron was driving, I got to play with my camera's shutter speed and catch some crazy lights along the way!  :)  I like how they were dancing around because of the movement of our vehicle.

Winter Fun!

We've been getting some rain/wet snow last night and this morning...perfect for snowman/snowball making!  While I was making dinner, A took the girls outside to play and make a snowman.  Here's their efforts!

Love Notes

Wednesday last week was the start of a weekly volleyball night for any moms in our area and I was definitely going to go play and enjoy a night our for me.  Hailey must have thought I was going to be gone for a few days or something because she came out from her room with this little note for me.  :)

Hands of Love

Today was a snow day for Hailey.  After doing some baking this afternoon, we made some Valentine's Day decorations.  I found this idea online and thought it would be super cute for my front closet door.  These are my kids' hand prints making the shape of a heart.

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