Bible study was today. It was good to get back to it after not having it during school Christmas break. We watched a video by Louis Giglio called "How Great is Our God". Amazing video! If you can't get a copy of this video, at least look up the word "laminin" on Google. Laminin is what holds our cells together; keeps our bodies together! The photos of it will blow you away. We truly do serve an amazing God! Why do we continue to try to put him in a box when all we have to do it look around ourselves to see that it's impossible for us to do that!?! I'll post a couple pictures of laminin so you can start to get an idea of how cool this video is. This is an actual magnified image of a strand of looks just like the diagrams! This is what keeps us together!!!

Just had to share that. Now on to our normal life, my 365 Project photo came tonight at dinner. :)Photo of the day for January 5, 2010:Dinner of Champions
Tonight was our "Dinner of Champions" of Cocoa Puffs. Our kids LOVE it when they get to have cereal for dinner and I LOVE not having to think too much on what to make them. :) Simple, quick, and no complaining that they don't like it = perfect.
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