Friday, March 18, 2011

Day #4

This whole purging the house thing would be a lot easier if I could ship my kids off for the remainder of the time.  I would never do that, but it's a lot harder to do  this when you have 3 children needing you or something as soon as you get started.  The girls didn't have school today, but I was determined to get something done today, so after lunch, they were sent to their room to finish cleaning up their bookcase while I set to work on one of the upper kitchen cabinets.  Jacob was content to have some time to himself playing with Thomas, Percy, and Emily on the tracks his set up in his room.  He even put himself down for a nap!  :)
The cabinet I worked on today was kind of the "junk drawer" cabinet.  It housed the extra batteries, tape, envelopes, certain kid crafts/toys, tons of bubbles, etc.  After a little organizing and moving the bubbles to the entry closet, it looks great!  The kids' crafts/stamps are on the top shelf; bottom shelf has the extra batteries, envelopes, tape, and our budget binder (which was formerly on the counter).

So, tomorrow is another day of balancing my kids and another day of cleaning.  I'm thinking I'm going to tackle the pantry tomorrow.  There's probably quite a bit of expired food and stuff in there that just needs to get out of our house.  The pantry is one part of the house that I have previously worked on, but it's been quite a while since I went thru it.  I'll try to remember to take a before picture this time.  :)

Bag total:
Trash: 1 grocery bag
Goodwill:  Part of 1 grocery bag

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