Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another day

I'm so far behind on my 40 days!  Today was going to be another day of purging, but the winter storm last night changed those plans.  We got about 20 inches of snow!  The kids and I were outside this morning shoveling a path from our front door to the garage.  Then, Hailey and I went back out to help shovel over at Gpa & Gma's.  Actually, Hailey helped Gma shovel and I walked around taking pictures.  I tried to walk in the shallow snowbanks, but it was up to my knees!
After uploading my pictures from today, I decided to do some organizing of the older pictures on my external harddrive.  When uploading pictures off my cameras, it automatically files them by date taken.  I decided a better way to file them would be to organize them by day, month, and then year.  It's been a project that needed to get done and I finally made the time to do it today.

Lexi & Jacob waiting for Gpa to push some of the snow out of the way so we could shovel.

Looking toward our door from by the garage.

Funny snow cover up in the tree.

Go for a ride?  :)

You can see the river from up by the barn which means it's time to watch for flooding!

Perfect weather for icicles!

1 comment:

  1. Im way behind to, hoping to majorly catch up this weekend!
