Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Crazy Couple Weeks

Wow.  These last couple weeks have been kind of crazy!  I've already written about my abscessed tooth.  Well, that pain-in-the-tooth (sorry, couldn't resist) bugged me for about a week.  On the 15th, I had an appointment with the oral surgeon to get 7 molars out.  Two of those were my bottom wisdom teeth.  Thankfully, the top wisdom teeth haven't formed and shouldn't. Yay!  The first few days were rough.  I slept off and on for the first few days.  The kids enjoyed their multiple sleep-overs at Grandpa & Grandma Berg's during this time.  In fact, I think they got a little too used to it, because Jacob kept asking to go back for a sleep-over the first couple nights they were to be back home.  He just didn't quite understand that I was feeling better now and that they'd be staying home instead of going back to Grandma's after dinner.  We've all adjusted better now.  The goal now, is for my mouth to heal 100% and then we'll finish up the dental work in the near future.

I've just started a "Household Helps" chart with the kids!  The kids are really liking it, well, mostly Hailey, but Lexi and Jacob have been doing well with it, too.  One of the things I put on it was "get dressed" in the daily helps section.  I came to a realization yesterday with that help, it also means that I have to get dressed everyday!  That's going to be a stretch for me, because I like to just stay in my pjs most days.  This will be a good way to get used to getting going every morning and being more productive throughout the day.  Another help that's going to keep me in check is "homework".  We've done well remembering to have Hailey do her reading or any other school work she has to bring home, but it's working on the alphabet and numbers with Lexi and Jacob that I've been slacking.  Yesterday was the start of working on the alphabet with Lexi and some other kind of work/craft with Jacob.  I'm still working on when to work that in to our day, but for now, we'll just do it when we have the concentration for it.  Yesterday and today look like it's going to be after naps, but ideally, I'd like to try to get it done in the mornings.  We'll try that tomorrow.

I'll update my 365 Project photos at a later time.  I'm participating in a challenge where our photo of the day corresponds with the letter of the alphabet that we're on.  It started yesterday with "A," today was "B," and so forth.  I think it'll be fun and challenging at the same time.  I'm going to try to not just have a picture of something that starts with the letter, but hope to find the actually letter created by nature, signs, buildings, etc.  It'll make me keep my eyes open to seeing beyond the surface sometimes, which isn't a bad thing to do at all times, either...

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