Thursday, May 6, 2010

We have a new addition!

So it's been over a month since I last posted...where did the time go?  Is it really May?  :)  We are currently in "end of the school year" mode at out house.  I can tell Hailey is ready for school to be done, especially now with our new lttle addition!  He's currently laying on my lap sleeping.  This is Turbo, our new puppy!  We are all loving having him in our family and he seems to be loving being with us, too.

We are also getting geared up for our crazy summer.  We have many trips to take and also to get Lexi ready for Kindergarten.  Not sure what Jacob and I will do with Lexi & Hailey both in school, but I'm sure we'll adjust and enjoy ourselves.  Lexi's really excited about going to school and keeps thinking that she'll be starting tomorrow.  Kind of hard to explain that she won't be starting until this Fall, so I usually just tell her it'll be when Hailey's in 2nd grade.  Then comes the, "Are you in 2nd grade yet, Hailey?"  :)  This picture is Lexi after she got her school immunizations.  I told her if she did really well with them, she'd get a special treat.  She got 3 shots and didn't cry until the last one and it was mostly because of the medicine stinging (I think it was the polio vaccination).  I was so proud of her!

Jacob keeps us going, keeps us laughing and smiling.  He's truly a silly boy.  He likes to tell jokes, that only make sense to the kids which makes them funny for us, too.  This week, Aaron and I have been working on painting his room.  Jacob got to help a little bit with the primer, the blue Aaron and I have been doing when the kids are sleeping.  It takes a lot longer to do a room when you have 3 kids and a puppy wanting your attention! :)  I'll post some pictures of the completed project after we get everything back up and Jacob's stuff back in the room.

Here's a few more pictures from the last couple weeks!  First one is of the kids from when we did the Lowe's build & grow workshop.  They build planter boxes which were super cute!
The tulips are blooming!

Hailey during her school's spring program.

Lexi & Hailey at the Park

Jacob coming thru the tunnel on the playground.

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