Sunday, July 25, 2010

Winding Down

So our crazy summer schedule has started to settle down now and we're liking having some time at home. It's been about a month since updating my blog, so let's do a quick re-cap.  July started off with a weekend trip to Minnesota to celebrate Aaron's Grandpa's 80th birthday. We were able to see most of the family as only 1 of the cousins wasn't able to attend. There was lots of time for playing outside, jumping on the trampoline, riding horse, going to a parade, and watching fireworks.  I'd post some pictures from the weekend, but I don't have any of my pictures right now.  We were able to consolidate all the pictures from everyone's digital cameras onto Brian's laptop, so I deleted them off my camera after we got back home.  Well, our computer had been on hospice care for quite some time and finally decided to call it quits after we got back.  Thankfully, we had backed up everything on an external hard drive, so I only lost a few pictures (maybe 10).  I'll have to post some from the weekend in the next blog post after I get them copied to our computer.  :)  Hailey got to ride a horse (finally!) so there were some pictures taken of her with a huge smile on her face.  The colt also seemed to really like her, so there's a couple cute ones of them.

Aaron's brother, Brian, and his family were able to come home from Quebec for a visit and then stayed that following week.  Praise God for beautiful weather all week!  The kids had a blast playing with their cousin, Melina, all week.  On the 10th, we celebrated the girls' birthdays with Aaron's side of the family.  We had grilled chicken kabobs for lunch and then went to Splasher's South Seas indoor water park at the CanadInn in Grand Forks.  Everyone had fun playing in the water and going down the slides.

Brian, Susie, & Melina left on Sunday, the 11th, so we had some time to relax and get the kids in bed early.  The 12th thru 23rd, Hailey participated in the STEM program at Mayville State.  It was kind of like a fun summer school where the teachers got to "practice" teaching the 2nd graders and the kids got to learn about different countries.  The class was only for part of the mornings, so we'd drop Hailey off at 8:30am and then Lexi, Jacob, & I would go to the park or Rainbow Garden until 10 when we'd pick her up.  Hailey, Kyra, & Jacob learned about Australia and got to do different crafts.  On the last day (23rd), all the parents got to come and see a little presentation from the kids about what they learned and then see their projects they did throughout the last 2 weeks.  It was a lot of fun to see how proud they all were of their art projects!
Jacob, Kyra, & Hailey with their teachers.

Hailey standing in front of her projects.

That pretty much sums up the last month.  This coming week is pretty low key, and I'm looking forward to it!  The first week in August will be filled with Hailey going to our church's Day Camp (Vacation Bible School) from 9am-3pm.  After that, we'll be starting to get ready for Hailey and Lexi to go to school!

I'll close with some of my favorite pictures from this past month.

Lexi, Hailey, & Melina jumping into the pool

Jacob @ Island Park

Lexi @ Island Park

Hailey @ Rainbow Garden

Zinnias @ Rainbow Garden

My Favorite! (Straight out of the editing or cropping)