Yesterday afternoon, Aaron & I ventured down to Fargo in the rain and super wind to pick up my new-to-me Dodge Durango! My van had decided over a month ago that it was time to move on from our family. The transmission, that we just replaced last summer, started to slip. The mechanic said he can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong with it, so he'd have to just start replacing parts on at a time until it was fixed. That means it could be rebuilding the transmission and cost up to $1600. We had already been looking at buying a Durango for me this late fall/early winter, so we decided to not fix the van and just save the money towards our next purchase. So the search,,, and any other car buying/selling website out there to find what kind of price range we were looking at and what was even available. We decided on a 2001 or newer Dodge Durango. After a while, I stopped looking because it was all the same vehicles and none of them were what we were looking for. Then, on Tuesday night last week, I had that little nudge/thought to check craigslist again before getting off the computer and what did I find?! The listing for this Durango! It was the year and price that I was thinking we'd end up spending...and turns out $1000 less than Aaron's top price! I went and looked at it on Thursday before heading to St. Paul for the Women of Faith conference. Aaron looked at it on Sunday and after talking with me, my brother, and my step-dad, we decided to purchase it! Everything fell into place and it's been so exciting to have my own vehicle again. Praise God for that little nudge and for providing the right vehicle for us!

Quick snapshot from my phone in order to send a picture to my mom and brother after we picked it up!
These next pictures I took this morning after the rain stopped. I've moved the carseats and all the other stuff from the van into our new family vehicle! Can't wait to give the kids a ride in it!
I think it looks like it's smiling at me! :)
It's got a little mud on it from the soggy gravel roads on the way home last night.
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